Products > Heat Trace > Mineral Insulated Cables


Mineral Insulated Heating Cable


  • Twin core or single core
  • High temperature withstand
  • Factory terminated
  • Suitable for use in safe and hazardous areas
  • Available for different voltages
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The MSS range of stainless steel sheathed Mineral Insulated (MI) heating cable has been developed to meet the specific need for a cable having a high temperature capability and electrical resistance values needed for long circuit lengths. To meet the requirement, HTL combined a stainless steal sheath with heating conductors to enable an operating temperature of 600°C with resistance values from 2.1Ω/km up to 36100Ω/km per conductor. MI cables have excellent mechanical strength and are resistant to corrosion. They are series resistance heaters which must be designed to provide the required heat output.
MINERAL INSULATED - MSS 600ºCMineral Insulated Heating Cable
Heat Trace >   Self-Regulating Cables >   FAILSAFE ULTIMO - FSU/FSU(w) 250ºC


Extremely high temperature self-regulating heating cable


  • 250ºC Exposure temperature withstand, (energised or switched off)
  • High power outputs to 100W/m at 10ºC
  • Inherently temperature-safe (ITS)
  • External temperature controls not necessary
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FSU is an extremely high temperature self-regulating heating  cable, having an exposure limit of 250ºC, energised or not. It has easy terminations, and able to be cut-to-length. It has the safest ever self-regulating product range for extremely high temperature exposure; it will not overheat even when exposed to 250ºC when energised or switched off as it is inherently temperature-safe. It is ATEX and IECEx Approved.
FAILSAFE ULTIMO - FSU/FSU(w) 250ºC Self-regulating heat trace cable